The Best Time and Day to Send Press Release in Japan

We often get asked questions such as:

“Our press release is now complete and ready for distribution. All that is left to do is to decide a release date. Is there optimal timing for sending out our press release to the media in Japan?”

Surprisingly, there are many cases when the date of distribution is not planned out in advance. In such cases, marketers will want to choose the right timing to generate the most media hits and for impact, so what is the best way to decide the timing? Some editors agreed to share some advice with us.


Many editors and journalists do not work at their offices on weekends. It is hard to get their attention on a Friday afternoon toward the end of the work week.

Even if they were interested in your newsworthy story, it may already be old by the following Monday. News departments are always looking for breaking news. Unfortunately, your two-day old press release may no longer be considered fresh.

It is not the best idea to send a press release after Friday afternoon unless specific circumstances require the need to distribute your message over the weekend.


Just like many of us, editors coming back from their weekends tend to find work waiting for them on their desks or they must assist weekly meetings with their respective editorial teams.

We generally avoid Monday mornings for distribution, unless again, there are specific circumstances that make it absolutely necessary that the announcement must be published on Monday morning.


The first day of the month is usually not a good day either. This usually coincides with the day when editors receive the highest number of press releases. The more releases coming in at the same time, the lower the chances your release makes it through.

Try to target another date unless you are working on a partnership publishing with tight timing restrictions. Ideal timing: Tuesday to Thursday from 9:00AM to 5:00PM (except the first business day of the month) Taking all this into consideration, the optimal timing for sending out a press release to the media is as above.

Generally, we can say that this timing gives the best results. However, there are cases where successful results were achieved even though the release was sent out in the middle of the night for the sake of speed and how emergent the news is.

Ultimately, timing is only one aspect of your press release, so remember to focus on what your audience’s and journalist’s needs are, in order to maximize your chances to acquire press coverage.