
The AMR Clinical Reference Center was established to help combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Japan. The center’s goal was to promote AMR awareness and understanding for the general public. This includes its causes, threats, and preventative measures. Although the clinical reference center was able to spread information through social media, they did not have an effective way to engage with public relations. 


We proposed an infographic video to promote awareness of AMR. The infographic uses carefully selected medical information from various materials and surveys and illustrates them in an easy way to understand. We provided total PR activity support through multiple enlightenment campaigns on AMR awareness, and we also provided information through social media.


By utilizing infographics, videos, and social media, we were able to spread general awareness of AMR. AMR information was also featured in various media throughout the our annual PR activities:


Newspapers – Nikkei, Asahi, Mainichi, Sankei, 

Magazines- Nikkei Medical, Medical Times, Medical Tribune

Web – 501 features